DAISY ATTERBURY is a poet, essayist and scholar.
The Kármán Line (2024), a St. Lawrence Book Award Finalist and debut book of experimental prose and poetry, was published by Rescue Press in October, 2024 (order here!). Described as "a new cosmology" (Lucy Lippard) and "a cerebral altar to the desert" (Raquel Gutiérrez), The Kármán Line investigates queer life and fantasies of space and place with an interest in unraveling colonial narratives in the American Southwest.
Atterbury is the Director of Undergraduate Studies and holds a full-time joint lectureship in Department of American Studiesand and the Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies Program at the University of New Mexico.
For all inquiries, reach out at —
daisy.atterbury at gmail.com